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Master's of Educational Technology

Annotated Transcript



Spring 2010

Professional Roles and Teaching Pratice II

Instructor: Cristiane Pereira Hicks


This course was taken concurrently with my student teaching internship.  While meeting weekly, cohorts and myself discussed key features of perparing to be in the classroom full time and the roles and responsibilities that are associated with being a high school teacher.  In addition we collaborted on ideas and teaching pedagogy that directly pertained to teaching in south eastern Michigan high schools.

Reflection and Inquiry in Teaching Practice II

Instructor: Joyce Parker


This course was taken concurrently with my student teaching internship.  The cohorts within this course were all certified high school science educators and had been involved in this same collaborative network for two years as a part of the Michigan State University college of education program.  Within this course we discussed and analyzed important teaching strategies and aspects of teaching science inquiry to high school students, as well as took part on numerous hands-on teaching experiences and projects.  This course culminated with a large project that required students to reflect on their knowledge and experinces with teaching science inquiry. 

Summer 2014

Teaching for Understanding with Technology
Instructor: Emily Stone


This course was the first that I completed after returning to Michigan State University to complete my MAET degree. One of the main platforms to our weekly investigation of educational technology, TPACK methodolgy and ideals and various innovative leanring tools was our Networked Learning Project; a project in which we get to teach orselves something new...anything new. By intially focusing on the essential features of leanring and exmaining our learners, this course provided me with types of experiences, activities and aspects of educational environments that promote innovative thinking.  The weekly assignments had me diving into the world of technology and its effect on the 21st century classroom. This course provided me the opportunity to think critically about teaching and the world of education as it molds and transforms through the blending of innovative technology.

Adapting Innovative Technologies in Education
Instructor: Melissa White


This course added more depth and understanding to my introduction to the Maker Movement and connected it to remixing, repurposing and the ideas of creating innovative thinker and creators.  Through the weeks that followed, through various activities that focused on individualized learning, classroom design, learning domains and UDL, we explored how to create lessons and activities that support the Maker Movement and the creation of customized, unique, innovative experiences for all learners. One of the main assignments from this course was to create and revise a lesson that pulled the key concepts from this course together, such as classroom design, repurposing, the usage of innovative technology, the learning domain of metacoginition and the UDL model. This course introduced me to numerous educational technologies that I was previously unfamiliar with and drastically widened my knowledge and comfort level with infusing technology into the classroom.

Applying Education Technology to Issues of Practice
Instructor: William Marsland


This course examined how we learn and how we percieve information.  Begininning by identifiying different types of problems we, as educators, face and then continuing to examine how the human brain works as it solves both well-structured problems and complex problems.  A main resource for this journey through perception and how the problem solving brain works, we read James Paul Gee’s book, The Anti-Education Era.  This course provided a great opportunity to evaluated and even scrutinize where we get our information, how our brain percieves and remembers infromation and how we approach problem solving.  This course culminated with a collobortave project on how to solve identified wicked and complex problems.

Fall 2014

Learning in School and Other Settings
Instructor: Danah Henriksen


This course provided me an opportunity to analyze multiple different features of my classroom and evaluate where and what innovative technology could be useful in enhancing the quality of leanring experiences provided to the my students as well as depth of knowledge they gained from these experiences.  With opportunities to interview students and utilize a multitude of educational technologies, I gained valuable insight on both how technology can infuse into and reshape the learning experiences and classroom routines.  One of the main focuses of this course was to find and examine educational technologiese that can extend what can occur in the classroom and provide learners more individualized and meaningful experiences.

Approaches to Educational Research
Instructors: Ben Gleason & Leigh Wolf


This course opened my eyes up to the process of research, and expanded my preceptive on the need for research within education.  Throughout this course we, as students, were taken through the steps of finding valuable research sources in regards to a problem or issue within our classroom or generally within the world of education.  Each week readings and activities walked us through the importance of good research and what warrents it as such, and helped to shape our own research papers.  This course allowed we to investigate where I look for my information and how doing research and using pedagogical sources can help to create a more well-rounded and structured leanring environment that better permotes success. Students final research is presented in the format of a formal reseach project, the DreamIT project.

Spring 2015

Learning Technology by Design
Instructors: Danah Henriksen & Jonathon Good


This course had a great impact on my teaching and approach to education.  Through exmaining education and learning through the process and stages of design, all of my proir professional development and coursework began to take on new meaning.  This course allowed me to rexamine how I create educational experiences for my students.  Through use of the Stanford Design Thinking model, we identifyed a Problem of Practice solve and work on from a designer perscpective.  This course reshaped my view of the world, and as a user.  Within a few weeks you begin to see the world through the eyes of a designer.  This course helped to identify the missing link between effective teaching and the vast amount of knowledge and expertise we, as educators have. From teacher to designer, this course provided invaluable experiences for the modern educator.

Accommodating Differences in Literacy Learners
Instructor: Guofang Li


The importance of this course can easily be identified by knowing that it is a required course that all educators must take. As educators, the importance of creating learning environments that fit the needs of all literacy learners is essential at any age level and within in any classroom.  As a secondary science teacher, this course provided a challenge for me.  With a plethora of literacy resources, the true definition of literacy and its imporantance began to take shape.  The majority of this course is spent working with a literacy learner and examining the different features if building literacy within educational settings and with a variety of learners. 

Summer 2015

Proseminar in Educational Technology
Instructor: Matthew Koehler


This Capstone course provides an ideal and well-crafted finish to the various Master's of Educational Technology course work. The main goal of this course is simple yet complex: exmaine and relfect upon the entirity of our course work.  As means of summation to our Master's degree, this course has us create a portfolio that encompasses our work, acquired knowledge and experiences throughout our degree program. With opportunities to discuss and collaborte with peers, this course provides a perfect platform for reflection and further growth as a learner, and educator and an individual. 

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